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27Shaw: ANDREI

…Outstanding sensuality and impeccable massage routine, twinkish & warm…


I availed the “The Explorer” massage package. Andrei has no spa nor massage and was just trained in-house. Pictures of therapists are not available as per Spa’s policy.


Andrei has to be on my favourites list! I found a hidden gem. He has no massage experience but it did not show since he did the different strokes and routines impeccably. There is something about his innocence that really appealed to me during our session. The sensuality was just so exceptional and I can feel our connection which made me rate the experience as “Outstanding”. You have to try him and I am putting him on Mythical 5 in 27Shaw!

Andrei appeals to me because of his flamboyant character. I like that he exudes positivity which made me feel somehow we are soulmates. The session that we had is so memorable that I would to have a repeat experience.


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