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27Shaw: RENZO


Spa: 27 SHAW SPA (@27shawspa)

Therapist: RENZO

"sweet and nice sensuality, tall, good looking and has medium built.."


I availed myself of the Explorer's Massage Service. This is my first time with Renzo. I liked his physique because he is tall, and the build was just right and matched his height. He is good-looking with really attractive eyes. I love the balance between the sensual and nonsensual routines. He has big hands, so you can feel the strokes and it gives a relaxing feel. It was a nice experience, and a "Highly Recommended" rating was very well-deserved.

He can be sweet, especially when you initiate a conversation with him. I liked that the routine was followed to the tea but I would want a more connected dry humping. LOL. He is for Tops as he does not do KFC moves.


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