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27Shaw: YUKI

more than decent overall massage routine, daddy-type kinda guy, silent…


I availed the “The Explorer” massage package. Yuki has massage experience internationally and was trained further in 27Shaw. Pictures of therapists are not available as per Spa’s policy.


Yuki has wide experience in doing massage including working overseas but has little in doing sensual massage. He is quiet and made me think that somehow, he is disconnected from me. There is no question in terms of his non-sensual routine, but the sensual part needs more improvement – I think it would be effective if he would build connection during the session by making the routines less mechanical. I think he can be math to someone looking for a daddy-type kinda therapist. Although the sensuality needs improvement, the nonsensual techniques saved the experience and made me rate the session I had with him as “Recommended”.

Yuki might cater to some clients looking for a balanced routine wherein you can still feel the nonsensual routines without compromising the sensual routines.


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