…relaxing overall massage routine, cute and smells good, has a cool and sweet vibe…
I got the Turkish Shower with Signature Massage. Signature Massage in Emerence is focused on non-sensual routines. Gabby has past experiences with other spas.
Gabby is a charmer! I had him initially tried by my friend before trying him out. I have been eyeing him out for a long time, but our schedule was postponed as he has to go on leave. And now he I back, I have to take my chances and it was a good decision. I don’t have many expectations, but I was impressed. He was able to deliver a very relaxing massage although I would want a little sensuality. LOL. He looks better in person, and he is also sweet and kind. The overall experience was just so fluid and spontaneous that I have to rate the experience as ”Outstanding”.
Gabby is a good kisser, and he knows how to please someone. He is definitely in my books as someone I would want to have another session again.
