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Freelance: RAYVER

…relaxing and hot techniques, good-looking, gentleman, Dakota warrior…


This service is tagged under “Freelance” as I was able to get him through a hotel service for a Nuru Massage. Rayver has been doing massage services for quite some time now and has been doing Nuru for just a few months. I availed his all-in rate.


I got to know Rayver from a friend as he has been doing Nuru way back in Dynasty Spa which has already been closed. There have been a lot of talks about him since he is really “blessed” down there. He looks better in person, and I am really into guys with fair complexion. Though we did not shower together before the session, he asked me to have a shower with him after our session and it was nice. His Nuru techniques are on point though I would want a longer time, but the overall experience was nice. He gave a short back nonsensual massage as a starter and it was relaxing then the Nura routines – it was all erotic. The experience was so nice that I am rating this as “highly Recommended”

Rayver is really member of my Dakota Warrior. I think it will be one of the biggest I have seen and experienced in my life. Though he needs to watch porn to sustain it. It was still a delight to experience especially if you are into it.


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