…super sensual, excellent marriage of sensual & non-sensual routines, friendly…
I availed of the Signature Massage. Chris has been in the industry for quite some time now being one of the Mahalta Boys. This is my second time with him.
I am inclined in giving a 10.0 score across the massage techniques and sensuality. I did not expect those moves & routines which made me so religious that I have to say different names of saints. It was so good that I kept on moaning from the beginning to the end. The KFC move is something that you really need to experience from him because once you get to experience it, trust me you'll never forget it. It was weirdly good and so titillating. I have to say that it was the best KFC I have ever experienced in my massage life. The front massage in the full-frog position was even hotter. This experience has to be on top of all the massage experiences I've had. A perfect score of 10.0 in sensuality and overall routines. You really get to try him and let his techniques speak for themselves coz you'll find yourself being addicted to him.
